Local Produce

The island of Gozo is renowned for its exquisite agricultural produce and artisanal delights.

The island's fertile soil and mild climate contribute to the production of top-quality products such as wines, olive oils, honey, tomatoes, and the famed Gozitan cheeselets.

These products not only form the backbone of Gozo’s culinary identity but also reflect its deep-rooted agricultural traditions and sustainable farming practices.


Craft Beer

Craft beer has become a popular alternative to mass-produced beers, offering unique flavours and brewing techniques that reflect the creativity and passion of independent brewers.

Unlike large-scale commercial breweries, craft breweries focus on quality, flavour, and traditional brewing methods. They often experiment with various ingredients such as unique hops, malt varieties, and adjuncts like fruits and spices.

This experimentation results in a diverse range of beer styles, from hoppy IPAs and rich stouts to refreshing lagers and complex sours.

Craft beer culture celebrates local ingredients and supports sustainable practices, making it a favourite among beer enthusiasts who appreciate both the taste and the story behind each brew.


Local Delicacies

Seasoned by Tradition

Tradition seasons the food and drink of Gozo. But tradition here is alive and vital, not staid and trapped in the past – however rich a past that is, with first Phoenician, Roman and Arab visitors leaving their trace, then more recently, Italian, French and British colonial. Today, Gozitan cuisine promotes the small and local, where once producers and restaurants tried to pander to ‘international’ taste.

Adventure & Sports Tourism

History & Culture

Local Delicacies

Seasonal Events

Health & Wellbeing

English Learning


Weddings in Gozo


Adventure & Sports Tourism

History & Culture

Local Delicacies

Seasonal Events

Health & Wellbeing

English Learning


Weddings in Gozo