A Rich Cultural Calendar

The island celebrates many cultural and festive occasions throughout the seasons, crafting extensive programmes for Christmas, Easter, Spring, and Summer.

Among these, the Gozo Carnival stands out, painting the streets in a vibrant palette of hues, where colourful costumes and animated parades captivate visitors.

Equally noteworthy are the weekly village feasts that dot Gozo’s summer calendar, honouring patron saints amidst a backdrop of joyous revelry. These traditional festas evolved from deep-seated religious reverence to lively spectacles, resonating with music, food, and fireworks, infusing summer weekends with sparkle.

Summer feasts started out as traditional devotions in honour of the patron saints, whom the natives of the towns and villages venerated. The communities depended on the saints’ intercessory powers for favourable outcomes and also in desperate times of poverty, plagues and misfortune.

Originally, feasts in Gozo were a celebration of thanksgiving to the saints who intervened with favours for both blessings and protection. The euphoria of the modern-day summer feasts has possibly less of the devotional. It also echoes less of the supernatural, but there is no doubt that the bacchanalia gels together the modern community and the rivalry between the villages fuels the passion for colossal celebrations!

2024 Festa Season Calendar


2nd – Corpus Christi, Għasri

4th – St. Anthony of Padua, Għajnsielem

16th – Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fontana

23rd – St John the Baptist, Xewkija

29th – St. Peter and St. Paul, Nadur


7th – Visitation of Our Lady, Għarb

14th – Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kerċem

21st – St George Martyr, Victoria

28th – St. Margaret, Sannat


4th – St Joseph, Qala

11th – St Lawrence, San Lawrenz

15th – The Assumption of Our Lady: Victoria

25th – The Assumption of Our Lady, Żebbuġ


1st – Our Lady of Loreto, Għajnsielem

8th – The Nativity of Our Lady, Xagħra

15th – Our Lady of Graces, Victoria

Summer feasts started out as traditional devotions in honour of the patron saints, whom the natives of the towns and villages venerated. The communities depended on the saints’ intercessory powers for favourable outcomes and also in desperate times of poverty, plagues and misfortune.

Originally, feasts in Gozo were a celebration of thanksgiving to the saints who intervened with favours for both blessings and protection. The euphoria of the modern-day summer feasts has possibly less of the devotional. It also echoes less of the supernatural, but there is no doubt that the bacchanalia gels together the modern community and the rivalry between the villages fuels the passion for colossal celebrations!

2024 Festa Season Calendar


2nd – Corpus Christi, Għasri

4th – St. Anthony of Padua, Għajnsielem

16th – Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fontana

23rd – St John the Baptist, Xewkija

29th – St. Peter and St. Paul, Nadur


7th – Visitation of Our Lady, Għarb

14th – Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kerċem

21st – St George Martyr, Victoria

28th – St. Margaret, Sannat


4th – St Joseph, Qala

11th – St Lawrence, San Lawrenz

15th – The Assumption of Our Lady: Victoria

25th – The Assumption of Our Lady, Żebbuġ


1st – Our Lady of Loreto, Għajnsielem

8th – The Nativity of Our Lady, Xagħra

15th – Our Lady of Graces, Victoria

The Gozo Festa Season

Opera is Gozo

Opera holds a special place in Gozo, with October designated as Opera Month, celebrating this vibrant art form. The island hosts two major operas at The Astra Theatre and Aurora Theatre in Victoria, alongside various recitals and workshops.

Gozo’s passion for opera is influenced by its cultural ties to Italy and Sicily, and the unique presence of two opera houses on the same street. These events are community-driven, with local artists and volunteers contributing to elaborate productions, making opera accessible and a fixture in the island's cultural calendar.


Carnival in Gozo is a lively celebration that transforms the island into a hub of colour, music, and festivity. Rooted deeply in tradition, the island's carnival is marked by elaborate costumes, dynamic parades, and exuberant parties. It truly time when the community comes together to showcase its creativity.

The festivities are centered in Victoria, Gozo's capital, where the streets come alive with floats, performers, and spectators. The parades feature a variety of themes, often reflecting current events, folklore, and imaginative concepts. Participants don intricate costumes, ranging from traditional garb to fantastical creations, and engage in dance and music performances that energize the crowds.

One of the highlights of Gozo's carnival is the spontaneous and satirical carnival in Nadur. Locals take the opportunity to express humor and social commentary through their costumes and performances, adding a unique and entertaining twist. There are no programmes for this carnival, you simply have to show up in the weirdest costume you can come up with.

Carnival in Gozo is not just an event but a vibrant expression of the island’s cultural identity, bringing joy, laughter, and a sense of community to all who participate.

Christmas and Easter in Gozo

Gozo is a wonderful destination during both Christmas and Easter, offering rich cultural and traditional experiences. Christmas in Gozo is a joyful celebration, featuring live nativity scenes, charming markets, and beautiful choir performances. The island’s decorated churches and illuminated streets create a festive backdrop, enhanced by traditional processions and seasonal concerts. Easter, on the other hand, is marked by the solemn observance of Holy Week with sombre processions and reflective church functions. The atmosphere shifts to jubilation on Easter Sunday with joyous parades and festive gatherings.

Both seasons offer an extensive programme of events that highlight Gozo’s cultural heritage, making any visit memorable.