Never been to the island of the three hills? Yes, that’s how Gozo is also known. Well if that’s the case, here’s what you need to have on your list for your first visit.

Island of the three hills

From the Citadel to the Ggantija. From the bays to churches. Lets make your first visit worth while.

1. Enter the Citadel
You cannot understand Gozo without visiting the majestic Citadel that overlooks the whole island. In medieval times, when the people lived scattered in little hamlets in the countryside, these walls were the major defence system and the inhabitants rushed to shelter every time the pirates landed on the island… Explore the narrow cobbled streets, discover the Gozo Cathedral and the interesting silos all within the walls. And naturally take in the view from the ramparts….

2. Be awed at Ġgantija Temples
Hungry for some ancient history? Then you need to visit Ġgantija Temples. Older than the pyramids and Stonehenge, these prehistoric temples constructed from gigantic boulders are truly impressive. However, these templates raise more questions than one can truly answer about the people who built them, why and how.

3. Enjoy the many bays, beaches and coves
Gozo is a delight in any season. There are many beaches to discover and all are unique in their own way. In the summer season, the call of the sea is difficult to resist and we suggest you indulge in some of the water sports available. From diving to kayaking, snorkelling and thrilling jet-skis, this is a world for those who love the adventure. During the mild winter season, you can still enjoy walks along the beach and picnics!

4. Check out the 3rd largest unsupported dome in the world – The Rotunda Church in Xewkija
Like its sister island Malta, Gozo is an island dotted with churches and chapels. Make sure you visit the Rotunda Church in Xewkija, an edifice in local stone whose dome alone is believed to weigh circa 45,000 tonnes. Take a moment to admire the stone sculpture that adorns the church and visit the old church that was rebuilt within the new church and now is known as The Sculpture Museum.

5. A natural wonder – The Inland Sea and Tunnel at Dwejra
Without doubt the coastal area of Dwejra and the Inland Sea is a fascinating place. In times gone by, the Inland Sea, a lagoon that’s linked with the sea via a cave, was a typical fishermen’s cove as can be seen from the huts surrounding the Inland Sea. Today this area is a favourite diving and water sports location.

6. Gozo’s own little fjord – Wied il-Għasri
Another breath-taking inlet to visit is Wied il-Għasri. This ravine with the cliffs on both sides forms a narrow and secluded pebbly bay that can only be reached via a steep staircase chiselled out of the face in the rock.

7. Breathe in the Countryside Air
Whilst in Gozo it’s easy to get lost in the historic aspect of the island, but it is truly worth dedicating some time to exploring the countryside. You can hike, trek, cycle or else use more comfortable means such as Segway to reach paths off the beaten track. There are many routes that you can choose that take you through villages, along the valleys and around the hills.

8. Boat Ride or Kayaking
Boat rides or kayaking are the perfect way to explore the coast of the island (and if you have time include Comino in your itinerary). The crystalline waters in the coves, the spell-binding shores, cliffs and coast are a perfect backdrop. In fact, Gozo is considered by many as a photographers’ paradise.

9. Food to savour
Gozo’s culinary fare, an eclectic mix of continental overlaid over the traditional Mediterranean essence is to die for. Make sure you ask for typical local dishes of season and ask for the region’s fruits. Visit farming estates and bring home local produce such as peppered cheeselets, sun-dried tomatoes, carob syrup, wine and nougat. In terms of restaurants and food outlets, Gozo is truly geared to provide a delightful experience. From the casual to stylish and trendy, you’ll find that even in this matter, Gozo scores highly.

Gozo is truly a magical island. First time visitors often fall in love with the island and keep returning over and over again…