If you’ve never been to Comino, let’s start by saying it’s worth visiting. The summer months are packed with visitors seeking to cool in the irresistible blue waters of the Blue Lagoon. However, during all the other seasons, Comino is a naturalist’s paradise waiting to be discovered and explored.

When planning your Comino adventure, consider the following tips to make the most of your visit:

Comino is linked to mainland Gozo and Malta via ferries, water taxis, and private boat charters. These ferries leave either Ċirkewwa in Malta or Mġarr in Gozo and take around 35 minutes and 15 minutes, respectively, to dock in Comino. The trip itself is an experience, especially if the route takes you close to the beautiful Comino coast. Hiring a boat charter offers more freedom and a special way to explore the island.

For a more liberating and invigorating Comino adventure, visit the island on a kayak. There is something raw yet appealing for all adventure enthusiasts as you paddle across the channel from Gozo to the Blue Lagoon or Santa Marija Bay, where you can beach your kayak. Such activities can also be enjoyed by families with children eight years or older. In Gozo, several kayaking companies handle guided tours.

It is worth noting that Comino is not only about exploring the paths of the island but also the coast, and this can only be done from the sea. This is why you cannot explore the island without a boat trip. Caves riddle the cliffs beneath the Santa Marija Tower, and it is easy to figure out that the island was considered a pirate’s hideout in times gone by. As you go around the island, watch out for the massive rocky outcrop that locals call Elephant’s Head. The natural arch found on the eastern side has an uncanny resemblance to an elephant that has just dipped its head into the water for a drink.

If you intend to spend a whole morning or day on Comino, keep in mind that Comino is like a desert island, practically uninhabited except for two residents, and there are no cars or services. In the peak season, you can buy food and drink, but during all other seasons, you must pack everything you need for the trip, including food, drink, and a wind and waterproof jacket.

When it comes to hiking and trekking, Comino is a fantastic place. Following the dirt tracks means becoming one with nature, as there are few nuances of modern life to jolt you to the present. Wandering around the garigue amid the shrubs means you need good walking shoes. Comino is best described as an island with a karst landscape, meaning the ground is very rugged. It is a photographer’s paradise and capturing the wild rabbits, the Mediterranean chameleon, and a variety of flora according to the seasons is possible.

If you intend to hike the island’s perimeter, this looping trail will take nearly three hours but will be well worth the effort. It is also a great way to catch some of the sights that Comino is famous for. Weave your way from the picture-perfect Blue Lagoon, characterized by mesmerizing shimmering azure and cyan. Next door to Blue Lagoon is the Crystal Lagoon, which, although less known, is nothing short of what its name describes. Beyond these two lagoons lies the bastioned Comino Tower, which is not only a key landmark but featured in the 2002 film ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ as the Count’s Chateau D’If. Another fortification you will encounter on the coast is the Santa Marija battery.

Finally, the route leads to the poetic Santa Marija Chapel, one of the island’s oldest chapels with a unique facade and belfry. The area is fragrant with the Aleppo Pine trees that grow there. At this point, you can continue onwards to Santa Marija Bay, from where the road will lead back to your starting point. Comino comes with its fair share of stories and history. Not only has it been considered the pirates’ hideout, but you’ll be surprised to know that the most extensive building on the island is an isolation hospital, dating back to English military times.

Maybe the desert island appeal is an experience you’d like to indulge in. If that’s the case, you can also plan a temporary camping stint at Tal-Ful Camping Site. Start by checking out the regulations that are in accordance with the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations and with the Management Plan for Kemmuna u l-Gżejjer ta’ Madwarha.

Comino is a natural paradise waiting to be discovered and explored.