Rome’s ancient philosopher is often quoted saying,’ Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind’. If travel can bring in new enthusiasm, there is no doubt that when your destination is Gozo, the vigour of mind will also result in renewed wholeness and wellness.

This wellness can transform into a more fruitful life and brighter achievements.

As a wellness destination, Gozo is the island where you can ditch the stress behind and escape for a well-deserved rest.

Whether in solitude or with your loved ones, Gozo exudes the raw appeal of the captivating blue seas and skies, the scenic countryside, and the brazen coastline with its varied faces. Basking in the beautiful, nourishing light of the sunny days is, without a doubt, a vital elixir for a wellness vacation. All these elements fuse to chase away negativity and let you indulge in activities that ultimately melt the worries away and help you improve your mental well-being and your immune system. Gozo can be many things – a restoration destination, a meditation zone, a detox getaway, a fitness and training boot camp, or a convalescence ground.

Escaping to the island with wellness in mind can take many shapes. Several hotels and Gozo wellness retreats offer complete relaxation packages combining accommodation, wellness facilities, and services. Often involving spa facilities, these wellness facilities are notorious for relaxation and provide various services, including aromatherapy, massages, beauty treatments, anti-ageing, detox and holistic therapies. Treatments at Gozo spas offer one way to regain balance or address some particular ailment and treatments and are handled by both local and international specialists and practitioners. Check out the 5-star hotels as they are the more prominent spas in Gozo. Some of Gozo’s wellness centres also provide programmes focused on health and nutritional resets and finding oneself after major life ordeals, grief and gruelling times.

Likewise, mindfulness, meditation and yoga have found an essential niche in Gozo. It is as if the island exudes a unique energy that resonates with such activities. Places like the scenic Ta’ Ċenċ plateau, Dwejra and Ras il-Wardija are key spots popular for meditation in Gozo and yoga.

Beyond the typical wellness facilities, unwinding can be simply a matter of getting away from the madding crowd. Your Gozo retreat can be about wallowing in the peace of the countryside in some rural farmhouse or villa.

Shake off the pressures of daily life and the gloom of whatever is pulling you down. Instead, indulge in finding yourself again through meaningful activities. Sometimes this can mean finding time for yourself and enjoying a good night’s sleep or relishing a good story and a glass of wine in the afternoon. Read a book by your favourite author, journal your travels, write a poem, visit the beach at sunrise, capture the view of the majestic sunset, hike along the coast and consider swimming at some of Gozo’s hidden beaches. For more novel ideas, join an outdoor painting class, check out cooking sessions, try a spell at a pottery centre or visit one of Gozo’s eco farms. Finally, don’t forget that Gozo boasts a rich musical calendar of events to delight the ears.

All in all, wellness in Gozo is about reigniting and delighting the senses. If life has taken its toll on you, this can be a wake-up call. In Gozo, you can nourish your soul, feel good and chill out on the island synonymous with joie de vivre.